
There are more than 12,000 ant species across the world. But here in the U.S., you’ll find the odorous house ant, carpenter ant, and pavement ant are probably giving you the most trouble.
Ants are social and live in colonies. Because there are thousands of ants in a colony, killing them one by one won’t solve your infestation. Instead, you’ll need the help of a professionally trained Axiom technician to manage your situation.

Ants will forage day and night searching for sweets, dead insects, and moisture. Their waste can contaminate foods and they leave a pheromone trail to tell them where they’ve been. It’s because of these elaborate scent trails and the unique biology that makes them difficult to manage and best left to Axiom professionals.

Types of Ants

Frequently Asked Questions

How did I get ants?

An accessible food source is the primary cause of ant infestations. Leaving dirty dishes in the sink, food residue on countertops, crumbs on the floor, and trash not frequently emptied provide food sources for meal-seeking ants. What starts with a few foragers entering a home can become a major problem if they establish colonies in walls, lawns, or under home foundations.

What are the most common types of ants found in homes?

Some common types of ants found in North America include carpenter ants, odorous house ants and pavement ants. Carpenter ants pose additional concern because they can be structurally damaging. This can include details about species like odorous house ant, carpenter ant, and pavement ant. Odorous house ants do not bite or sting but can be a nuisance due to their shear numbers. They often enter your home where your structure has contact with vegetation. Pavement ants nest and mine sand from under rocks, concrete slabs, patios, sidewalks driveways or in basements. These ants will forage your home for food and will feed on anything sweet or greasy.

How can I prevent ant infestations?

There are many things you can do to prevent any infestations. Seal food tightly and keep your kitchen and trash areas clean. Ants need water to survive so eliminate water sources and seal all entry points such as windows, doors, cracks and crevices. Keep your distance by keeping landscaping and vegetation at least 18 inches from your structure. Use ant traps where they are most often seen and ant spray in cracks where ants can enter your home

What are the signs of an ant infestation?

Seeing ants or ant trails inside your home is the most obvious sign of infestation. Ants leave pheromone trails to signal to other ants the location of food or a potential nesting site. Descriptions of visible trails, nests, and damage caused by them. Ant trails, nests, and wood shavings or saw dust are some more serious signs of an established infestation.

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