
There are more than 40,000 spider species across the world. All spiders are arthropods. They have 8 legs, normally 4 pairs of eyes, and no antenna, which sets them aside from insects.
Spiders are carnivorous predators who can only take in liquid food. Their venom enables them to change their prey into a liquid substance they can eat.
Spiders produce silk, an elastic, adhesive material used to spin their webs. To date, no man-made material has ever matched the strength and flexibility of spider silk. Spiders spin their webs to catch their main food sources: insects and bugs.
Moisture-loving spiders can be found in crawlspaces and basements. Others prefer dry, warm areas like corners, attics, and vents.

Types of Spiders

Frequently Asked Questions

Are spiders dangerous?

The majority of spiders are harmless but depending on where you live, some spiders like black widows and brown recluse spiders may pack a venomous bite and are dangerous to humans and pets.

Do house spiders bite?

When a house spider feels threatened, it may bite, although it usually only causes minor irritation.

What attracts spiders in your house?

Spiders are attracted to other pests in your home as theses are their main food source. They are also attracted by your home’s warmth and water sources.

How do exterminators get rid of spiders?

After identifying the arachnids, there are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of them. They will remove the spiders, webs and egg sacs, place traps in undisturbed areas and treat cracks and crevices with dust or liquid pesticide

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